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What is a Framework and what does it do?

A framework for training has a very specific purpose. It is the rules and standards that will make sure that a whole training system operates as effectively as possible. This includes standards for training providers to follow so that they can design relevant, quality training courses; mechanisms by which instructors have access to the training and are recognized for participating; and processes to make sure the entire system continues to develop alongside changes in our profession and classrooms. The Framework will inform consistency and effectiveness in providing standards for course design.

Who will be able to enroll in post TESL Certificate training?

The first Framework standard addresses this question. Participants who take post TESL Certificate training must have completed a TESL Certificate from a TESL Ontario accredited institution OR have TESL Ontario Accreditation. In addition, participants must also have a minimum of 600 hours of experience teaching adults in government-funded language training programs. As the Framework project was funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Ontario Region, this is in keeping with the spirit of the project.

What will be the benefits to instructors participating in training courses?

In designing the framework, we aimed to ensure that it will be motivating for instructors in many different working contexts. In province-wide consultations and through our survey, we heard from instructors about a wide range of potential benefits of this PTC training, including the chance to refresh professional practice, to learn more about special teaching topics and areas, and to expand opportunities for employment. In addition, participants will also have any PTC training courses recognized on their TESL Ontario accreditation

What’s the difference between this training and professional development?

LINC and ESL teachers already have a rich variety of professional development opportunities available, including conferences, newsletters, journals, individual workshops, networking events and even in-house support from colleagues and administrators. These are valuable and will continue to help instructors, both novice and more experienced continue professional growth. In the Framework, training is different from all of these events and opportunities: it is structured, standardized, planned, and includes an evaluative component and recognition beyond that of participating in current professional development activities. Training will provide professional growth that is distinct and complementary to current professional development.

When will courses be ready for me to register?

The Framework project is not designing courses, but preparing standards to be used by training providers for the delivery of post TESL certificate training. By January 2011, we will have a draft of the Framework ready for field testing. By March 2011, we will report on findings and recommendations to Ontario Region Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

What work has the project team completed on the Framework so far?

The Framework development began in late 2009 and was based on extensive research of both the academic and professional literature in the TESL field, and consultations across Ontario. This consultation included interviews with key stakeholders, focus groups with instructors and administrators, online surveys for instructors, administrators, learners and interviews with TESL training providers. All of this information and input from the field was used to write a draft of the Framework, which was fieldtested in early 2011 with two organizations that provide instructor training. These organizations used the draft Framework to create a training outline that would meet the Framework standards. The fieldtest results allowed for further revision and refinement of the Framework until the spring of 2011.

What work remains to be done?

The summer of 2011 will be an exciting time, with the application of the Framework extending to the piloting phase: Three training providers will use the Framework to design a training course, and they will also provide input into the logistics of the delivery of the training. In the fall, the project will move into a new phase, with Orientation sessions being offered around Ontario for TESL Training providers who are interested in potentially offering Post TESL Certificate Training. As the project moves into its final phase, the project team will compile all remaining activity reports and make final recommendations to CIC, Ontario Region to ensure the integrity of the Framework and its sustainability.

Where can I find out more about the FPTCT? Are you holding any information sessions?

We don't have any information sessions scheduled at this time. If you have a question about the FPTCT, please email us at frameworkinfo@teslontario.ca .

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