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November, 2011

NEW PTCT Training Exemplar

New PTCT Training Exemplar, Humber Institute of Applied Arts and Technology: Specialized Language Training for Employment. Download the Exemplar.

NEW A list of the FPTCT Priority Content Areas

Extensive consultation with members in the field and research of professional and academic literature have resulted in a list of Priority Content Areas for PTCT course developers. Download the list.

NEW Launch of the Framework for Post TESL Certificate Training, 2011

TESL Ontario is pleased to announce the launch of the Framework for Post TESL Certificate Training, 2011 publication on October 28, 11 at the TESL Ontario Conference. The document outlines the project's background, the development of the Framework and the standards for PTCT. It also discusses governance and administration of Post TESL Certificate Training and provides a training outline template and examples of implementation.

NEW Q&A Session for Language Training Providers, October 27, 2011

As a follow up to the PTCT orientations, a Q&A Session was held for Language Training providers on October 27 at the 39th Annual TESL Ontario Conference. The FPTCT team presented and answered questions on topics such as course outline preparation, the accreditation application process, content priorities and instructor eligibility. The session was well attended and providers continued to express considerable interest in Post TESL Certificate Training.

NEW The FPTCT project presented at the 39th Annual TESL Ontario Conference, October 29, 2011. Read the abstract below.

Enhancing Professionalism: Framework for Post TESL Certificate Training

ABSTRACT FROM CONFERENCE PROGRAM: Participants learn about the completed Framework for Post TESL Certificate Training. An initiative of Citizenship & Immigration Canada and TESL Ontario, the framework sets standards for the design and delivery of training that prepares adult English as a second language training instructors to teach in specialized content areas and enhances professional accreditation.

NEW Online System Development

The PTCT online administration system is currently under development. The system will be a foundational tool in implementation of Post TESL Certificate Training and will include PTCT information, training accreditation and instructor application process information, as well as a qualified trainer registry and an FAQ section.

August, 2011

NEW Framework Orientation Sessions

Orientation sessions are planned in August, September and October for instructor training providers across Ontario. These sessions are designed to introduce the Framework to existing and potential instructor training providers who would like to learn more about the Framework and accreditation as Post TESL Certificate Training providers.

The first orientation session is set for TESL Training Providers in Toronto on August 9, with further sessions scheduled for instructor training providers in Ottawa on September 30, Toronto on October 5 and the Hamilton area on October 7. A session will also be offered for instructor training providers located in the London-Windsor region. Invitations for potential participants will be distributed in the coming weeks. The orientation will include a review of the Framework for the Post TESL Certificate Training project, presentations of the Framework document and the Guide to Implementation, as well as a facilitated discussion and a look at the project's next steps.

June, 2011

NEW Framework Orientation Sessions

Orientation sessions are planned for instructor training providers across Ontario. These sessions are designed to introduce the Framework to existing and potential instructor training providers who would like to learn more about the Framework and accreditation as Post TESL Certificate Training providers. The first orientation sessions are currently set for the end of August. Invitations for potential participants will be distributed in the coming weeks.

May, 2011

Post TESL Certificate Framework Pilot Test

The PTCT Framework is set for pilot testing with three instructor training providers! The FPTCT team will be working with the Toronto District School Board (TDSB), the Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks (CCLB) and Algonquin College to trial the Framework for Post TESL Certificate Training for feasibility of its application in different training provider settings.

The pilots will focus on the following proposed content: ESL Literacy, CLB-based classroom learner assessment, and Higher Level Language Training. In this pilot testing, the training providers will develop training outline exemplars that reflect framework expectations and trial processes for training delivery. Pilot testing begins in early June. Stay tuned for results!

The FPTCT project team presented at the TESL Canada Conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia, on April 30th, 2011.

Read the abstract below and download the presentation:

A Framework for Post TESL Certificate Training for Language Instructors

ABSTRACT FROM CONFERENCE PROGRAM: This presentation describes a recent development in teacher education: a framework for Post TESL Certificate Training for English as a second language instructors. Drawing on a foundation of extensive research and consultation, this framework has established standards to ensure quality post certificate training and education and a model of recognition of completion that enhances the professional accreditation of ESL instructors. A recent initiative of Citizenship Immigration Canada (Ontario region) and TESL Ontario, the framework represents a significant step forward in the profession of ESL and LINC instructors and holds promise for its applicability to ESL and LINC contexts in provinces across Canada.

December, 2010

TESL Ontario Conference presentations

Download the Presentation.

Thank you to all delegates of the 38th annual TESL Ontario conference who attended one of our two sessions on the activities of the Framework for Post TESL Certificate Training project! The theme of this year's conference, "Research and Teaching: A Collaborative Process," was well suited to our session, in which we presented the findings of the framework research process, which included 11 province-wide focus groups, over a dozen interviews, and also surveys completed by instructors (over 900), administrators (almost 100) and learners (100) in publicly funded language training programs in Ontario.

Both the Thursday and Saturday sessions were well attended, with over 50 and 24 participants respectively. Question time at the end of both sessions was animated and participants asked thoughtful questions about the survey results presented, implementation of the framework and also regarding the upcoming fieldtesting of the draft framework. On the Saturday session, the project team had the opportunity to collect further input from participants, who filled in a short survey regarding, among other topics, preferred models and scheduling for Post TESL Certificate Training. Results suggested that almost all participants preferred a delivery model for the training that involved at least some face-to-face classroom time. Other themes to emerge were the importance of flexibility in scheduling and location in order to allow the balancing of work and family responsibilities and also an interest in some employer support of instructors taking Post TESL Certificate training, either in the form of time for the training and/or financial support for fees.

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